Wildlife Articles

A Lynx With a Legacy

A Lynx With a Legacy

6 minute readThe Yukon Wildlife Preserve is deeply saddened to announce the passing of its beloved male lynx on Saturday, November 9th. This exceptional animal, who joined the Preserve’s collection in 2010, was a symbol of resilience and scientific importance, leaving...

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Meet Archie

Meet Archie

1 minute read - Say hello to a new member of the Preserve's family, a red fox. This is Archie. He came to the Preserve after being seized in B.C. by the Wildlife Branch of the British Columbia Provincial Government from an individual who did not have the appropriate...

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JB the Moose

JB the Moose

6 minute readOn August 15th 2024 the Preserve's Animal Care team with the support of one of our veterinarians', Dr. Julianna Campbell made the difficult decision to say goodbye to JB the moose. Her condition had declined rapidly over the last 6 weeks when our team...

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How are Animals Named?

How are Animals Named?

11 min read - Throughout history, various languages and cultures have contributed to a wide - and often confusing - vocabulary used to describe animals' genders, the young stages of their lives and what they may be called when they are gathered together in groups.Mule...

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