10 minute readWhen you think of a moose, you might picture an iconic Canadian creature with long legs, a majestic set of antlers, and the undeniable air of someone who really doesn’t care about traffic. What might not come immediately to mind is the subtle yet...
Wildlife Articles
An Impertinent Question – What is the dumbest animal on the Preserve?
3 min read - Cover photo credit Mark Newman.The guest on my bus tour with the British accent began his comment, ‘this is an impertinent question, so you don’t have to answer it… ‘Oh’? I thought,‘What is the dumbest animal on the Preserve?’ he continued.We were at the...
A Lynx With a Legacy
6 minute readThe Yukon Wildlife Preserve is deeply saddened to announce the passing of its beloved male lynx on Saturday, November 9th. This exceptional animal, who joined the Preserve’s collection in 2010, was a symbol of resilience and scientific importance, leaving...
Meet Archie
1 minute read - Say hello to a new member of the Preserve's family, a red fox. This is Archie. He came to the Preserve after being seized in B.C. by the Wildlife Branch of the British Columbia Provincial Government from an individual who did not have the appropriate...
White Shadows: The Arctic Fox’s World
9 minute read - Megan Hopkins spent three summers in a row working at the Preserve as a Wildlife Interpreter and Animal Care Assistant. Megan was in school at the University of Guelph, Wildlife Biology and Conservation for the remaining months of the year. One of her...
JB the Moose
6 minute readOn August 15th 2024 the Preserve's Animal Care team with the support of one of our veterinarians', Dr. Julianna Campbell made the difficult decision to say goodbye to JB the moose. Her condition had declined rapidly over the last 6 weeks when our team...
Bonaparte’s Gull Release
4 minute read - A Bonaparte's gull was brought into the Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre at the Yukon Wildlife Preserve after it was found flightless on the side of the road. The bird has no significant injuries, some feather damage and was likely concussed. A short...
Meet Elsa the Mountain Goat
1 minute read - Meet Elsa, the mountain goat! She came from Northern Lights Wildlife Society in Smithers B.C located within The Witset First Nation is a First Nations band government of the Wet'suwet'en people of Witset, British Columbia, Canada. She was brought there...
How are Animals Named?
11 min read - Throughout history, various languages and cultures have contributed to a wide - and often confusing - vocabulary used to describe animals' genders, the young stages of their lives and what they may be called when they are gathered together in groups.Mule...