Yukon Wildlife Preserve Operating Society is run by a volunteer Board of Directors elected each year at an Annual General Meeting.
2024-25 Board of Directors
Alexandra Tait, President
Shawna Warshawski, Vice-president
Melissa Croskery, Secretary
Bonnie Love, Treasurer
Kirk Cameron
Justine Benjamin
Michael Bennett
Learn more about our committees
Animal Care Committee
The goals of this Committee are to:
- Operate within the parameters of the Memorandum of Understanding with Yukon Government, Animal Health Unit;
- Regularly review and revise when required, YWPOS Policies and Protocols relevant to the delivering of animal care and management at the YWP ensuring:
- Compliance with the needs and requirements of the Board of Directors and Staff
- Compliance with the Yukon Societies Act
- Compliance with the accreditation requirements of the Canadian Accredited Zoos and Aquariums (CAZA)
- Compliance with applicable federal and territorial Acts and Regulations
- Provide recommendations for bylaw or policy changes to the Executive Committee for consideration.
- Provide comment and guidance on any proposed research or testing projects or teaching programs involving animals at the YWP;
- Provide comment and guidance on animals held for display or breeding purposes, research, teaching, or testing, except where current regulatory requirements provide exemptions. Be advised of other animalbased activities, such as commercial or recreational activities, within an institution, and to work with responsible persons to ensure appropriate animal care and use is undertaken in accordance to appropriate procedures and protocols;
- Require all animal users and researchers to present detailed information on animal use protocols and procedures to be employed on animals from the YWP and to animals on the YWP.
Education Committee
The goals of this Committee are to:
- To oversee the development of exceptional educational experiences by the YWP, including formal educational programs, informal educational activities, outreach programs and public programs.
- To oversee the development of exceptional visitor experiences at the YWP.
- To evaluate educational program goals, merit and effectiveness.
- To encourage multidisciplinary educational opportunities.
- To collaborate with other groups and institutions to deliver educational experiences that align with the mandate and mission of the YWP.
Research Committee
The goals of this Committee are to:
- Develop a research strategy for the YWP, within the framework approved by the Board of Directors and as established in the Master Plan
- Keep under review, research activities of the YWP in order to encourage and facilitate research of the highest quality
- Ensure that research undertaken by institutions or groups operating at the YWP, is conducted in an ethicallysound manner, in accordance with the YWP and CAZA policies and procedures
- Identify grant or research funding opportunities and to work with the Executive Committee and Staff to develop proposals
- Identify potential research partners, academic institutions, and other stakeholders that serve to increase the value and quality of research conducted out of the YWP
- Ensure that any and all research activities are revenue generators for YWPOS (or at a minimum are cost-neutral).
Annual Reports
Contact Us
Alexandra Tait | YWPOS President | president@yukonwildlife.ca
Jake Paleczny | Executive Director | jake@yukonwildlife.ca
Board and Committee Pages
(Open to board and committee members only.)

Yukon Wildlife Preserve
Box 20191
Whitehorse, Yukon
Y1A 7A2
Box 20191
Whitehorse, Yukon
Y1A 7A2