Plan to visit more than once in the next year? Or want to treat visiting friends and family? Consider an annual memberships! The Family Membership pays for itself in less than 2 visits.
Its also a great way to get more involved and support our work!
- Benefits applicable only to members named on membership.
- Family Membership allows up to 2 adults/seniors (19+) and youth (0-18) living in the same household to be named.
- Single Access available with 10% Student / Senior discount.
- Admission privileges include regularly scheduled open hours / bus tours and do not include visits with school groups, charters, and other special group bookings.
- Memberships are non-transferable, and cannot be shared between households.
- Memberships are not refundable and cannot be put on hold.
- Memberships are good for 365 days from date of purchase.
- Benefits/discounts not valid with other discounts and promotions.
- Membership access to public events does not include the Annual Run Wild event in August. This is a fundraiser event for Wildlife Rehabilitation at the Preserve.

Annual Membership
- Unlimited general admission and regularly scheduled bus tours for cardholder.
- 10% Discount for guests on general admission and tours
- 10% Nature Camp Discount
- 15% Discount on VIP Tours
- 20% Discount on Equipment Rentals
- Email Newsletter
- Access to all public events
- Vote at AGM
Annual Membership
- Unlimited general admission and regularly scheduled bus tours for up to 2 named adults and named children/youth living in the same household
- 10% Discount for guests on general admission and tours
- 10% Nature Camp Discount
- 15% Discount on VIP Tours
- 20% Discount on Equipment Rentals
- Email Newsletter
- Access to all public events
- Vote at AGM (for up to 2 named adults)

Yukon Wildlife Preserve
Box 20191
Whitehorse, Yukon
Y1A 7A2
Box 20191
Whitehorse, Yukon
Y1A 7A2