We need and appreciate your help. Here’s some of the things we need most right now:
Work Parties
- Organize a group of adult volunteers to assist with painting, fencing, brushing and other projects. Requires group of 6-10 volunteers for a minimum 6 hour session. Date and times are coordinated individually based on project need.
- Contact Randy Hallock at randy@yukonwildlife.ca or 335-3130.
Events Helpers
- Assist with seasonal YWP events with greeting/welcoming visitors, tending a fire, assisting with parking, etc. Minimum 4-6 hours at one or more of our 6+ annual events.
- Contact Lindsay Caskenette at lindsay@yukonwildlife.ca or 456-7400.
Picking up oranges
- Contribute to daily pickups and drop-offs at the Preserve of juice by-products and produce from Save-on Foods, Independent and Booster Juice. Involves pick-up / drop-off / up to 7 days/week between 3pm and 6pm. Minimum preferred commitment of 10 pickups preferred.
- Contact Randy Hallock at randy@yukonwildlife.ca or 335-3130.
Food prep
- Help prep produce and juice by-products for animals. Involves operating a loud grinder and washing / cutting up produce. Minimum of 3 hours (between 8am and noon) 1 day/week (up to 3 hours 3 days/week).
- Contact Maria Hallock at maria@yukonwildlife.ca or 456-7328.
- Heavy equipment operating on-call (after snow-falls in winter) to plow / clean roads and parking areas. Heavy equipment experience required.
- Contact Randy Hallock at randy@yukonwildlife.ca or 335-3130.

In-kind Donations
We are currently in need of:
- Pick-up truck in good working condition (no major work required).
Longer Term Volunteer Positions
We occasionally accept longer term positions to assist with:
- Outdoor Operations (fencing, welding, outdoor labour)
- Animal Care (cutting browse, cleaning, assisting with feeding rounds)
- Visitor Services (front reception, ticket and gift shop sales, guided tours)
We ask for a fairly significant minimum commitment to ensure your contribution outweighs the time we invest in training and orientation. For example:
- 1 x 8 hour shift / week for 2 months;
- 3 x 8 hour shifts / week for 3-4 weeks;
- 5 x 8 hour shifts / week for 2 weeks.
Other Opportunities to Volunteer
Did you have something else in mind? Please get in touch! We are open to talking about other ways you can contribute your time and skills.
We are also seeking:
- subject area experts (like a lawyer, etc)
- motivated community members to join our board and committees.
There are a few things that are challenging for us to accommodate:
- Short term / low hours commitments for jobs requiring a lot of training. For example for jobs related to Animal Care, there is 16 to 40 hours of training required. We typically require a significant, regular commitment, along with related education.
- Young volunteers. Most tasks require the ability to work independently, hold a drivers license, or make a significant, regular commitment (see previous point).
- Irregular availability. Having gaps in your service will require additional training on your return. For that reason we are looking for more regular commitment for the time you’re volunteering with us.
Temporarily we are restricting volunteers on-site during Covid-19 – we are limiting additional people in the team to ensure we protect the health and welfare of our staff critical to providing care to the animals.

Yukon Wildlife Preserve
Box 20191
Whitehorse, Yukon
Y1A 7A2
Box 20191
Whitehorse, Yukon
Y1A 7A2