Getting Here


The Yukon Wildlife Preserve is located at:

Kilometer 8 / Mile 5
Takhini Hot Springs Road

Get directions via Google Maps.

Directions from Downtown Whitehorse

From down town Whitehorse

  1.  Go North on 4 Avenue
  2. Continue onto 2 Mile Hill Road
  3. Turn Right (North) onto the Alaska Highway North
  4. Go 11.6km
  5. Turn Right (North) on the Hwy 2 (North Klondike Highway – signs for Carmacks and Dawson City)
  6. Continue for 6km
  7. Turn left (West) onto the Takhini Hot Springs Road
  8. Continue for 8km
  9. The Yukon Wildlife Preserve is on the right-hand side of the road.

If you pass Takhini River Road, Bean North or reach the Takhini Hot Springs, you’ve gone too far.



Yukon Wildlife Preserve
Kilometer 8 / Mile 5
Takhini Hot Springs Road
Whitehorse, Yukon
Y1A 7A2


Yukon Wildlife Preserve
Box 20191
Whitehorse, Yukon
Y1A 7A2

Ways to Get Here

There are lots of ways to get to/from the Yukon Wildlife Preserve. The following companies provide transportation and/or tour packages from downtown Whitehorse. Please contact them directly for details.

Basic Transportation Options


WhoWhatWhere Tours Image result for who what where whitehorse
EPIC NORTH Tour Experiences

Car Rentals :

Driving Force driving force logo
Budget budget rental logo


Friendly Taxi Whitehorse: 867-393-3399 Flat Rate of $75/one way, from most hotels in downtown Whitehorse.

Yukon Cabs: 867-393-2228
Northern Taxi: 867-668-4811

Tour Package Options

Packages range from the popular Yukon Wildlife Preserve / Takhini Hot Springs Package to multi-day custom packages:

Arctic Range Adventures
Northern Tales
WhoWhatWhere Tours Image result for who what where whitehorse
Sundog Retreat

CJ Link Yamnuska
Nature Tours of Yukon
Black Bear Wilderness Adventure
EPIC NORTH Tours Experiences
Ruby Range Adventure
Large Group / Custom Options

The Yukon Wildlife Preserve can host large groups arriving on coaches/buses. If this is something you are considering, check our Special Group Tour options. You must book ahead by emailing or calling 867-456-7400.

Arctic Range Adventures
Northern Tales
Ruby Range Adventure

Bus Charters:

Standard Bus Yukon
Yukon Wildlife Preserve
Box 20191
Whitehorse, Yukon
Y1A 7A2

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