Equipment Rentals

Fat Bike Rental

Biking the Preserve’s 5km loop has long been a mode of transporation for visitors who bring their own bike – ask two of our long-term members who come nearly everyday, rain, snow or shine to bike the Preserve. Now those who don’t have a bike can rent a lightweight, stable and rather Northern mode of adventure, any day of the year. 

Rentals are first come, first serve. Reservations are not available at this time. Inventory is limited.
The Preserve’s fleet of fat bikes includes 11 bikes from sizes small to extra large. These sizes suit riders heights from 5’1” to upwards of 6’4”. Check in at the Front Reception and ask about our rental programs.

Rent a Fat Bike

Requires general admission. Prices subject to change.

$22 / 2.5 hours

Members get free general admission and a 20% discount on rentals!


Bat bike riding at the Yukon Wildlife Preserve in spring
Bat bike riding at the Yukon Wildlife Preserve in spring

Terms and Conditions

Fat bikes are for use at the Yukon Wildlife Preserve mainly but can be taken off-site. We recommend a bike to Bean North for a coffee and snack or across the road has trails to a lookout. An additional per hour rental fee will be applied if more than 2.5 hours. The bike must be returned to the Front Reception before closing on the same day the bike was rented. Replacement fee $1,500 for the bike and accessories, will be charged in the case the bike is not returned as above.

Fat bike riders must receive an orientation on use of bike and terms. Helmets are included with every rental because brains don’t grow back like antlers!

Rental requires completion of a rental agreement:

  • Fat Bike Rental Agreement – (on-site completion)
  • Must be 19+ to sign rental agreement.
  • Whoever pays for the rental(s) completes a rental agreement and assumes responsibility for the bike(s) on that rental agreement.

Wagon Rentals

A convenient year-round way to help your family explore the Preserve. Comfortable padding allows 1 or 2 children to ride in the wagon along with your picnic, extra layers and other belongings. A family-friendly option to support your adventure at the Preserve with style and ease.

Wagon rentals are first come, first serve. Reservations are not available at this time.
The Preserve has two wagons to rent. Check in and check out wagons at the Front Reception.

Rent a Wagon

Requires general admission. Prices subject to change.


Members get free general admission and a 20% discount on wagon rentals!


Terms and Conditions

Wagons are for use at the Yukon Wildlife Preserve only and may not be removed from site.

All users of the wagon must receive an orientation on suggested direction of travel for safe use of wagon.

Rent a Kicksled

Kicksleds are a fun, Northern way to explore the Preserve in snowy conditions.

The Preserve’s fleet of 32 kicksleds come in 4 different sizes (for young kids aged 2+ up to adults).

Kicksled rentals are first come, first serve. Reservations are not available at this time.

Kicksled season is over for this winter. The sleds have been put to bed, sadly! They will be awaken when the snow flies again for winter season 2025-26!

Kicksled Rentals

Requires general admission. Prices subject to change.

$20/ 2.5hrs / kicksled
Small size only $10/2.5hrs

Members get free general admission and a 20% discount on kicksled rentals!

Terms and Conditions

Kicksleds are for use at the Yukon Wildlife Preserve only and may not be removed from site.

All users of the kicksleds must receive an orientation on appropriate and safe use of kicksleds prior to use.

All users of the kicksleds must complete a waiver of liability:

Rental requires completion of a rental agreement:

  • Kicksled Rental Agreement.pdf
  • Must be 19+ to sign rental agreement.
  • Whoever pays for the rental(s) completes a rental agreement and assumes responsibility for the kicksleds on that rental agreement.

Good to Know

Risks and Dangers
Risks and Dangers
What to expect while visiting during COVID-19

Weather at the Preserve can be quite different from downtown. The Preserve does not open when its below -35c.
YWP Weather Station

Cold Weather Policy

Getting Here
We're 30 minutes from Whitehorse. No car? There's options!
Directions and Transportation

Yukon Wildlife Preserve
Box 20191
Whitehorse, Yukon
Y1A 7A2

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