Animal Welfare
Welfare Assessment Process
The Yukon Wildlife Preserve Operating Society is committed to ensuring the highest quality of welfare of all animals at the YWP. This purpose of this process is to assist in identifying, communicating, and addressing animal welfare concerns from staff, volunteers and members of the public. This is formalized in a YWPOS Animal Care Policy (AC-27).
General Process:
Any staff, volunteers or public can submit concerns or questions about animal welfare of any animals at the YWP to the YWP Veterinarian:
The Veterinarian will evaluate and respond to the submitter as soon as possible, but typically within 7 days.
Additional Process:
Any staff, volunteers or public who wish to remain anonymous may submit concerns or questions about animal welfare of any animals at the YWP to one of the following contacts. Please note your desire to remain anonymous.
- YWP Executive Director / CEO:
jake@yukonwildlife.ca - Chair of the YWPOS Animal Care Committee (vacant).
- Chair of the YWPOS Board:
The receiver will:
- maintain anonymity of the submitter (if requested);
- initiate an evaluation of the submission;
- respond in a timely matter (as soon as possible, but typically within 7 days).
Any submissions received by a Chair will also be reviewed at the next scheduled Animal Care Committee meeting.

Box 20191
Whitehorse, Yukon
Y1A 7A2