Teacher Resources

360 Videos
Each of the 360 videos below provide a jumping off point for further discussion or one of the accompanying activity suggestions.
360 videos allow you to explore your environment. We recommend viewing on a mobile device or tablet. On a mobile device you can explore the video by tilting and turning the device. For a more immersive experience, you can use a VR headset, or put your phone in something like a google cardboard. If using a computer – simply click and drag to explore.
You can view these 360 videos and find other educational wildlife videos on the Yukon Wildlife Preserve’s youtube channel.
To get the most out of the video, we recommend watching on the highest resolution (that your internet connection / plan will support). Of course at higher resolutions the video will require more bandwidth. To adjust your resolution:

Vidéos 360
Chacune des vidéos 360 ci-dessous est un point de départ pour les discussions ou les activités d’accompagnements suggérées.
Les vidéos 360 vous permettent d’explorer votre environnement. Nous vous recommandons de regarder ces vidéos sur un téléphone intelligent ou une tablette. Sur un appareil mobile, vous pouvez explorer la vidéo en basculant et en tournant l’appareil. Pour une expérience immersive, vous pouvez utiliser un casque de réalité virtuelle. Si vous utilisez un ordinateur, veuillez simplement cliquer et faire glisser votre souris pour explorer.
Vous pouvez regarder ces vidéos 360 et trouver d’autres vidéos éducatifs sur la faune sur la page YouTube de la Réserve faunique du Yukon.
Pour avoir la meilleure expérience de visionnement possible, nous vous recommandons de regarder la vidéo dans la plus haute résolution disponible. Bien sûr, visionner la vidéo dans une résolution plus haute va utiliser une plus grande bande passante. Pour ajuster votre résolution:

Red Fox
Fantastic Mr. Fox (Grades 1-5)
For detailed and immersive classroom resources exploring the many wonders of the Roald Dahl novel “The Fantastic Mr. Fox”, including assignments and writing prompts, please check out: https://www.roalddahl.com/docs/FantasticMrfoxvector_1542971017.pdf
Curriculum Connections(BC/Yukon Curriculum):
- ELA Big Ideas: Language and story can be a source of creativity and joy.
- ELA 2 Big Ideas: Stories and other texts connect us to ourselves, our families, and our communities.
- ELA 4 Big Ideas: Using language in creative and playful ways helps us understand how language works
- ELA 5 Big Ideas: Exploring stories and other texts helps us understand ourselves and make connections to others and to the world.
Red Fox and Arctic Fox Niches, Adaptations, and our Changing Climate (Grades 6-9)
*The following activity is an adaptation of a wonderful, complete lesson comparing Red and Grey Foxes designed for the Virginia curriculum, which is well worth a look for all teachers: https://emammal.si.edu/system/files/lesson2_adaptation_teacherguide.pdf
OBJECTIVE: The goal of wildlife ecologists is to study how wild animals interact with their environment. One of the most common questions wildlife ecologists ask is where certain species live, and conservation biologists add to this question, asking how humans impact where species choose to live.
Let us attempt to learn how fox species use the habitat available to them in the Yukon, how their adaptations help them live in different habitats, and how human behaviour affects these species.
- What is a niche?
- What is a generalist vs. a specialist, and how are they affected by human activity?
- What are adaptations, and what specific adaptations help species exploit certain niches?
- Science K Content: Adaptations of local plants and animals
- Science 4 Big Ideas: All living things sense and respond to their environment
- Science 7 Big Ideas: Earth and its climate have changed over geological time.
- Science 7 Content: Survival Needs: all organisms need space, food, water, and access to resources in order to survive.
- Life Sciences 11 Content: Microevolution: Adaptation to Changing Environments
STEP 1: Introduce the Niche Concept:
- If you haven’t already done so in this class, introduce the concept of a species’ ecological niche, or its role in an ecosystem, including its interactions with other species and its environment. Niches are defined by many factors, including what a species eats, where it lives, and what it needs to survive. For a great two minute video explaining ecological niches, consider sharing this link with your students: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIVixvcR4Jc
- It can help to use an example, so we would suggest one most Yukon students are familiar with: the Moose. What factors define a Moose’s niche? Have students brainstorm key features and ecological facts about the moose and have groups share them in a doc or write them up together. These may include: Where Moose live, what they eat, how their diet changes throughout the year, what they do to survive the seasonal changes, how they raise their young, who their predators are, who they are competing with for food, etc.
STEP 2: Brainstorm and research foxes. Now that students have a sense for the traits of an animal that make up its niche, let’s focus on foxes. Individually, have students write down everything they know about foxes. Among the questions they should think about:
- What is a fox?
- What do foxes eat?
- Where do they live?
- How many types (species) of foxes do we have in the Yukon? How about in Canada?
- What are some adaptations of foxes that help them to survive?
Have students discuss their answers in small groups and then share their ideas as a class. Accumulate students’ ideas about foxes on the board or in a doc. It is important to note at this point that the fox facts students list here are based on their observations and opinions, but aren’t necessarily based in science. Students will research more on foxes in a later portion of the lesson, comparing their opinions and observations from a reputable science source (links provided below).
There are two types of foxes in the Yukon, the Red Fox and the Arctic Fox. Prompt students with some questions about niches and these two foxes. Are the observations they listed likely for both foxes? Which fox have they seen or heard about more often? And, the most important question for today’s lesson: If both of these foxes live in the Yukon, are their niches the same?
As you discuss this question, it is important that students learn that no two coexisting species can have precisely identical niches. Ecological theory says that one species will always competitively exclude the other if their niches overlap, meaning that they won’t coexist in that space for a long time. So species with similar niches in an ecosystem often partition their resources, meaning that each species takes a different part of a resource. This consequently leads to slightly different niches and the ability to coexist. Resources that are partitioned can be food, habitat, den/nest sites, hunting times (e.g. nocturnal vs. diurnal activity), and many others. For example, two birds living and feeding on insects in the same tree species might appear to have identical niches, but, upon closer look, one bird might feed in the new needle bundles at the top of the tree, while another feeds on the old needles and bare lower branches, allowing them to coexist in those trees due to slightly different niches.
At this point, show your students the clip of an Arctic Fox in Deadhorse Alaska (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqgIIhIM3OE), whose habitat now includes Red Foxes who have followed oil and gas workers into the region. Discuss whether or not these foxes would normally share a habitat. This is a great opportunity for students to do a bit of research.
To support class discussion of the potential northern movement of Red Foxes, and how this may affect Arctic Foxes, share with your students the following article: https://www.amnh.org/exhibitions/climate-change/changing-land/moving-north
Final questions for class discussion: As the Arctic warms, will Red Foxes enter the habitat or niche of Arctic Foxes? What do you think might happen? What will human behaviour have to do with this? Allow your students time to weigh and consider these questions, and encourage them to write a response.
More information about Red Foxes
Here are some helpful links from around the web for excellent sources of information about Red Foxes:
For Yukon-specific Fox content and a great pdf on how to live safely with foxes in the Yukon, we recommend checking out the following:
- Wildwise Yukon’s Fox Page: http://wildwise.ca/foxes
- A helpful PDF for Yukoners on living with Foxes: https://yukon.ca/sites/yukon.ca/files/env/env-living-with-foxes.pdf
- An article on some potential consequences of feeding wildlife: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/whitehorse-feeding-foxes-illegal-1.5580670
- Do you know your Canadian Foxes? Visit this site to compare the differences between each: https://www.canadiangeographic.ca/article/fabulous-photos-help-you-identify-canadian-foxes
- To show your students a range of photos taken of Red Foxes in the Yukon, including when and where they were taken, iNaturalist is an excellent resource: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=13337&taxon_id=42069
For fast facts, details, and general Fox information, we recommend checking out:
- The National Geographic’s Red Fox Information Page: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/r/red-fox/
- PBS Nature’s Red Fox Information Page: https://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/animal-guide-red-fox/2212/
- Canadian Geographic’s Red Fox Information Page: https://www.canadiangeographic.ca/article/animal-facts-red-fox
Renard roux
1e à 5e année
Pour des ressources pédagogiques détaillées qui explore les nombreuses merveilles du livre de Roald Dahl “Fantastic Mr. Fox”, nous vous recommandons de consulter ce lien : https://www.roalddahl.com/docs/FantasticMrfoxvector_1542971017.pdf
Cette ressource est en anglais, mais donne beaucoup d’exemples de sujets pour la rédaction de texte.
Curriculum Connexions (Curriculum Yukon / CB) :
- Anglais – Grandes Idées : La langue et l’histoire peuvent être une source de créativité et de joie.
- Anglais 2e – Grandes Idées : Les textes et les histoires nous relient à nous-mêmes, à nos familles et à nos communautés.
- Anglais 4e – Grandes Idées : Utilisez la langue de façons créative et ludique nous aide à comprendre le fonctionnement de la langue.
- Anglais 5e – Grandes Idées : L’exploration de texte et d’histoire nous aide à se comprendre et faire des connexions avec les autres et le monde.
Informations Pertinentes sur les Renards Roux
Voici des liens utiles en Français qui donnent des informations pertinentes sur les renards roux :
- Fédération canadienne de la Faune – Le Renard Roux : https://www.hww.ca/fr/faune/mammiferes/le-renard-roux.html
- Gouvernement du Yukon – Fiche d’information sur le Renard Roux : https://yukon.ca/fr/red-fox
- TFO (Vraiment Top) – 5 Choses à savoir sur le Renard Roux : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7_AT6kjZg8
- National Geographic Wild France – Le Renard Roux : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K30yHXasgMM
Voici des liens utiles en anglais qui donnent des informations pertinentes sur les renards roux :
- Wildwise Yukon – How to live safely with foxes in the Yukon: http://wildwise.ca/foxes
- Government of Yukon – Living with foxes: https://yukon.ca/sites/yukon.ca/files/env/env-living-with-foxes.pdf
- CBC – Yukon conservation officers warn against feeding foxes: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/whitehorse-feeding-foxes-illegal-1.5580670
- Canadian Geographic – Fabulous photos to help you identify Canadian foxes: https://www.canadiangeographic.ca/article/fabulous-photos-help-you-identify-canadian-foxes
- iNaturalist – Photos of foxes taken in the Yukon: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=13337&taxon_id=42069
Arctic Fox Adaptations
Life in the Arctic Tundra (K - Grade 8)
We recommend checking out the comprehensive and exciting activities from Scholastic’s Life in the Arctic Tundra Teacher’s page. From their website: “Take your students on an imaginary expedition to the Arctic with these nine activities!” https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/articles/teaching-content/life-arctic-tundra/
Curriculum Connections (BC/Yukon Curriculum):
Science K
- Big Ideas: Plants and animals have observable features.
- Content: adaptations of local plants and animals
- Adaptations: may include structural features or behaviours that allow organisms to survive
- Plants: features may include roots, stems, leaves, flowers, seeds
- Animals: features may include shape, size, feet, teeth, body covering, eyes, ears
Science 4
- Content: sensing and responding:
- Humans
- Other animals
- Plants
Science 7
- Big Ideas: Evolution by natural selection provides an explanation for the diversity and survival of living things.
- Content: Survival needs. All organisms need space, food, water, and access to resources in order to survive.
Adaptations of the Arctic Fox (Grades 1-4)
Check out this discussion and critical thinking activity from https://www.exploringnature.org/db/view/Adaptations-of-the-Arctic-Fox:
Curriculum Connections (BC/Yukon Curriculum):
- Science 1- Content: behavioural adaptations of animals in the local environment
- Behavioural adaptations: dormancy, hibernation, nesting, migration, catching food, camouflage (stick bugs), mimicry (fly that looks like bee), territorialism (squirrels fighting), etc.
A Warmer World (Grades 4-7)
To broaden the discussion on life in the Arctic, consider this impactful activity from http://resources4rethinking.ca/en/resource/a-warmer-world-for-artic-animals. A description from their website: “The effects of climate change on ecosystems and the distribution of organisms within them are already evident in the Arctic. In this lesson, students will learn about the challenges that climate change presents for four specific Arctic predators. They will explore how such changes ripple throughout ecosystems, habitats, and food webs.”
Curriculum Connections (BC/Yukon Curriculum):
Science 4: All living things sense and respond to their environment
Science 7: Earth and its climate have changed over geological time
More info about Arctic Foxes
Here are some helpful links from around the web for excellent sources of information about Arctic Foxes:
- The YWP’s Arctic Fox page: https://yukonwildlife.ca/learn/yukon-wildlife/arctic-fox/
- Canadian Geographic – Canada’s 4 foxes infographic; https://www.canadiangeographic.ca/article/infographic-canadas-four-foxes
- Canadian Geographic’s Animal Facts Page for Arctic Foxes: https://www.canadiangeographic.ca/article/animal-facts-arctic-fox
- The Yukon Government’s Arctic Fox Information Page: https://yukon.ca/en/arctic-fox
- The National Geographic’s Information Page on Arctic Foxes: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/a/arctic-fox/
- BBC Earth’s footage of a young fox hunting in the snow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EiV-ERKRRs
- Arctic Fox Fact Sheet: https://onekindplanet.org/animal/arctic-fox/
- Ten Fun Facts About the Arctic Fox: https://arctickingdom.com/10-fun-facts-about-arctic-fox/
Adaptations du Renard Arctique
Traduction effectuée par Anna Tölgyesi!
La vie dans la Toundra Arctique (Maternelle - 8e année)
Nous vous recommandons de consulter les activités excitantes de “Scholastic’s Life in the Arctic Tundra”. Cette ressource est en anglais, mais donne beaucoup d’information sur la faune et la flore de l’arctique. https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/articles/teaching-content/life-arctic-tundra/
Connexions au Curriculum ( Curriculum Yukon / CB) :
Science Maternelle
- Grandes Idées : Les plantes et les animaux ont des caractéristiques observables.
- Contenu : Les adaptations des plantes et des animaux locaux
- Adaptations : Peut inclure des caractéristiques structurelles ou des comportements qui permettent aux organismes de survivre.
- Plantes : Les caractéristiques incluent les racines, les tiges, les feuilles, les fleurs et les graines.
- Animaux : Les caractéristiques incluent la forme, la taille, les pieds, les dents, les yeux, les oreilles et le type de revêtement qui recouvre leur corps.
Science 4e
- Contenu : Sentir et réagir
- Aux humains
- À d’autres animaux
- Aux plantes
Science 7e
- Grandes Idées : La sélection naturelle donne une explication pour l’évolution, la diversité et la survie des choses vivantes.
- Contenu : Les besoins vitaux; tout organisme, pour survivre, a besoin d’espace, de nourriture, d’eau et un accès à des ressources.
Les adaptations des Renards arctiques (1e à 4e année)
Consultez cette activité de discussion et de pensée critique (source en anglais) au https://www.exploringnature.org/db/view/Adaptations-of-the-Arctic-Fox:
Connexions au Curriculum (Curriculum Yukon / CB) :
Science 1e
- Contenu : Les adaptations comportementales des animaux dans un environnement local
- Adaptations comportementales : La dormance, l’hibernation, la nidification, la migration, la chasse à la nourriture, le camouflage, l’imitation (une mouche qui ressemble à une abeille), le territorialisme (des écureuils qui se battent), etc.
Un monde plus chaud (4e à 7e année)
Pour élargir la discussion à propos de la vie dans l’Arctique, considérez cette activité (source en anglais) : http://resources4rethinking.ca/en/resource/a-warmer-world-for-artic-animals.
Le site web décrit l’activité comme ceci : “Les effets des changements climatiques sur les écosystèmes et la distribution des organismes à l’intérieur de ceux-ci sont déjà évidents dans l’Arctique. Dans cette leçon, les élèves vont apprendre à propos des défis que vivent quatre prédateurs de l’Arctique. Ils vont explorer comment ces changements ont des répercussions dans les écosystèmes, les habitats et les réseaux alimentaires.”
Connexions au Curriculum (Curriculum Yukon / CB) :
Science 4e
- Tous les êtres vivants ressentent et réagissent à leur environnement
Science 7e
- La Terre et son climat ont changé au fil du temps géologique
Plus d’informations sur les Renards arctiques
Voici des liens utiles en Français qui donnent des informations pertinentes sur les renards arctiques :
- Fédération Canadienne de la Faune – Le renard arctique : https://www.hww.ca/fr/faune/mammiferes/le-renard-arctique.html
- Gouvernement du Yukon – Page d’informations sur le renard arctique : https://yukon.ca/fr/plein-air-faune-et-flore/yukon-wildlife/renard-arctique
- National Geographic Wild France – Le renard polaire change de couleur selon les saisons : https://youtu.be/fOYXtwzAAsg
- Projets Biogenus Québec – Fiche d’informations le renard arctique : https://biogenus.ca/animaux/renard-arctique/
Voici des liens utiles en Anglais qui donnent des informations pertinentes sur les renards arctique :
- Yukon Wildlife Preserve – Arctic Fox : https://yukonwildlife.ca/learn/yukon-wildlife/arctic-fox/
- Canadian Geographic – Canada’s 4 foxes infographic; https://www.canadiangeographic.ca/article/infographic-canadas-four-foxes
- Canadian Geographic – Animal Facts Page for Arctic Foxes: https://www.canadiangeographic.ca/article/animal-facts-arctic-fox
- Yukon Government – Arctic Fox Information Page: https://yukon.ca/en/arctic-fox
- National Geographic – Information Page on Arctic Foxes: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/a/arctic-fox/
- BBC Earth – Footage of a young fox hunting in the snow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EiV-ERKRRs
- One kind planet – Arctic Fox Fact Sheet: https://onekindplanet.org/animal/arctic-fox/
- Arctic Kingdom – Ten Fun Facts About the Arctic Fox: https://arctickingdom.com/10-fun-facts-about-arctic-fox/