Feathered Friends in Rehabilitation
1 minute read –
Generally, this time of year, the Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre is a lot more quiet than in the months leading up to fall. But in the final days of October the Centre got feathered with some new arrivals.
October 30th, 2023 Conservation Officers from Dawson brought in a mature bald eagle that was observed to be weak, unable to fly and found near a road being harassed by ravens and magpies. The bird was severely underweight. Being on the ground for an unknown amount of time, the birds tail feathers were damaged. Upon its admittance, the bird eagerly ate and some fluids were administered.

The next day, the Animal Health Unit of the Department of Environment brought a sandhill crane that was unable to fly. Similar to the eagle it was being harassed by scavenging birds. The bird has two lacerations, one of the left eyelid that is not affecting the eye and another on the left tip of the wing. Without much information to these injuries, Dr. Maria Hallock is ensuring they are cleaned and sanitized. The crane is given meloxicam, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), to relieve pain and swelling.
Now both birds just need time to heal, good food to gain weight and protection, while they return to normal health condition. We expect both animals to make a full recovery and be released back into the wild.
Since the crane should be already venturing down-south for Fall migration, the Preserve will look to some rehabilitation centres in B.C. that could admit the animal to provide its final phase of care after we give it a one-way ticket South via Air North!
Help us get them back on their wings. We could use your help. If you are able to support the care of these two animals, please consider donating. Every contribution makes a difference and as a non-profit charitable organization, you can receive a charitable tax receipt for your support.
Photo credit: B.Forsythe

Lindsay Caskenette
Manager Visitor Services
Lindsay joined the Wildlife Preserve team March 2014. Originally from Ontario, she came to the Yukon in search of new adventures and new career challenges. Lindsay holds a degree in Environmental Studies with honours from Wilfrid Laurier University and brings with her a strong passion for sharing what nature, animals, and the environment can teach us.