Woodland Caribou

At the Preserve

Our collection:

3 . 5 . 1
Male Female Young

Our Habitat:


Photos from the Preserve:

Articles from the Preserve:

Yukon Collaboration Sweater

6 min readThe Visitor Services team is working hard to connect with local artist to bring the connections to nature home with you. We strongly feel that by taking the time to explore these partnerships we can create unique items that guests to the Preserve can take...

Treats for Santa’s Reindeer?

7 minute read -What will you leave out for Santa on Christmas eve? Milk and cookies are a classic (in North America anyway, I was surprised to find that traditions vary dramatically around the world). But more importantly. What do you plan to leave out for Santa’s...

Bou, the caribou who flew

5 min read / poemBou, the caribou who flew The caribou is just the sameAs reindeer, just another name Why 2 names, I hear you cry?Well, only reindeer can fly Santa bestowed a magic giftThat gave reindeer enchanted lift Bou, the caribou would roamAcross the snow around...

What’s That Scat?

4 minute read. As we are out enjoying some of the many trails the Yukon has to offer, we often have to watch our step to make sure we’re not putting our boots in something smelly! These unexpected trail obstacles can be great indicators of whose habitat we are walking...

The Animals are Quite Fine Outside

5 minute read -After a beautiful, drawn out fall (by Yukon standards), winter arrived in force at the end of October 2020. Record setting snowfall on November 2nd 2020 kicked winter into full gear. Shutdowns were widespread (including here at the Preserve). It was...

Swipe Right (for Antlers)

Only animals in the deer (or cervid) family grow antlers. That includes elk, deer, moose and caribou. Animals like Bison, Sheep and Goats are part of a different family and grow horns, not antlers. We’ll tackle that in another video/post!  With the exception of...

Bull On Encounter!

Right place right time! Animal Care Assistant, Bree Parker spends day after day diligently supporting our veterinarian Dr. Maria Hallock in caring for, feeding and ensuring the well-being of our collection of wildlife residents.  Equally as important and valuable as...

Roam and Reign – “Winter is Here” Caribou Edition

6 minute read – “Winter Is Here” series begins with the "king of the tundra" – Caribou!Here comes the king of the tundra. Being one of the few animals escaping the mass extinction of species after the last ice age, caribou are royally adapted to life in the North,...


General Overviews

Caribou in the Yukon from Department of Environment, Yukon Government.

This page has all the basics for Woodland and another page for Barren-Ground Caribou in the Yukon, including tracks, scat, range and more!

Boreal Caribou Can Coesit with Natural but Not Industrial Disturbances

This article from the Journal of Wildlife Management, Steward et al. 2020 explores woodland caribou populations in Alberta, Canada, and their declines due to development and subsequent disturbance through fire, and particularly, industry. 

Beringia Caribou

Caribou have lived in the Yukon for a very long time. How long exactly? Find out on the Beringia Museum’s webpage along with recent palaeontological discoveries!

Yukon Specific Research 

Southern Lakes Caribou Recovery Program

This website outlines the community-based recovery initiative started in response to declining caribou numbers. It includes information on their work and process as well as a map of their findings!

Caribou Population in Yukon, Canada

A map based dashboard to explore caribou statistics in the Yukon, both woodland and barren-ground. Explore population dynamics, range, density.

Contribute a Resource

Do you have resources (especially Yukon specific ones) we should know about? Send us a link and summary/blurb to add to this page.

7 + 4 =

Yukon Wildlife Preserve
Box 20191
Whitehorse, Yukon
Y1A 7A2

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