Watson Thrives
This story was originally published September 13, 2019 in the e-blast newsletter to Yukon Wildlife Preserve’s membership.
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Banner photo Watson September 2019. Credit: J. Paleczny Video
Next update: Watson Grows
Watson the moose calf is thriving! This moose was admitted to the Preserve’s rehabilitation centre earlier this spring after his mother was struck and killed by a vehicle. This week we introduced him out to a publically view-able exhibit. Watch along here as Watson makes the journey to his new temporary home and introduction to his new moose family. He’s double in size thanks to endless hours of care by our Veterinarian and Animal Care staff.

Lindsay Caskenette
Manager Visitor Services
Lindsay joined the Wildlife Preserve team March 2014. Originally from Ontario, she came to the Yukon in search of new adventures and new career challenges. Lindsay holds a degree in Environmental Studies with honours from Wilfrid Laurier University and brings with her a strong passion for sharing what nature, animals, and the environment can teach us.