While the ungulates have already gone through their languages of love the carnivores are just getting started!
It’s a great time to hear the courtship calls from the lynx, arctic fox and red foxes. While the two species of foxes are the same gender (red foxes – males, arctic foxes – females), our lynx group consists of a male and two females and all three lynx will remain in the habitat together this season.
Lindsay Caskenette Articles
A Convocation of Eagles
What do the dates; August 7th, September 21st, and October 20th have in common? Well, each of these days the Yukon Wildlife Preserve’s Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre received a new patient, with each of those being an eagle. It started with the Golden Eagles arrival from Watson Lake, followed by a Bald Eagle from Jake’s Corner, and another Bald Eagle from Mayo. While an arrival of an animal into the centre for care by the team at the Preserve isn’t distinctive, it is unusual to receive an influx of eagles in the fall.
Carrots for the Critters
This territory is full of incredible people of the north and without a doubt Steve and Bonnie Mackenzie-Grieve are among them! Every year, the Yukon Grain Farm donates a giant bag of, often brightly coloured but not considered beautiful, vegetables to the Preserve and its critters. This year, 1000lbs or so of carrots came in.
A-Moosing Move
Early on Thursday morning (October 22), during those chilly hours before we are open to the public, the Animal Care team successfully moved the little male moose calf; walking from his temporary off-display habitat to the public viewing area near our other 4 moose. Now you might be wondering how that happens, and safely
Bald Eagle: Right Carpal Infection
The challenge faced by this bald eagle while in our Rehabilitation Centre will be in overcoming and healing an infection in his right carpal joint (that’s a bird’s wrist!), and some other abscesses that have been drained by Dr. Hallock. The eagle will be on antibiotics, and will remain inside to give the team the ability to monitor him closely. Follow up x-rays will be taken in a week to assess how the eagle is progressing and his health plan will be tailored based on the findings
Golden Eagle: Scapular Fracture
The golden eagle is a young one – it arrived on August 7th, 2020, brought in by Conservation Officers from Watson Lake. Arriving with a scapular fracture and underweight, the eagle was recovering well, when an unexpected secondary concern arose. Read the story and the updates for the full picture of this individual’s path to healing.
Lynx in 360 Video
3:50 min video - Lynx are the Feline, or cat, of the North. This carnivore has adapted well to its home in the Boreal forest with camouflage, excellent vision and hearing, large furred paws and long powerful legs. They are not the cuddling kind of cat, but in this...
Phase 2 – Increasing Services
The Yukon Wildlife Preserve reopened to the public June 1st, 2020 with Phase 1. The Preserve closed March 23rd, 2020 for the safety and well-being of our animals, staff and visitors. The Preserve is open daily from 10:30am to 5:30pm with modified services and will...
What’s in the Feed Station: Moose?
3:45 min Video -Hello and welcome to the moose feeding station! The feeding stations exist to make my job easier. Inside they have a big bag of pellets, a bale of hay, a bucket and scoop, a rake, a shovel, a pitchfork, a broom and a feeding chart. The moose get 25 lbs...