Mountain Goat
At the Preserve
General Overviews
Mineral lick use by GPS-collard mountain goats in SE BC – from Western North American Naturalist.
This study monitored radio collared mountain goats in order to determine the location and frequency of use of mineral licks in British Columbia. Mineral licks are a very important part of mountain goat diet and this study allowed researchers to locate previously unknown mineral licks, how far mountain goats would travel to reach them, when they were used, and if they were used by male or female goats.
Maternal defensive behavior of mountain goats against predation by Golden Eagles – from Western North American Naturalist.
Adult mountain goats don’t have to worry themselves with many threats other than gravity and other goats but golden eagles are a going concern for young mountain goat kids.
A descriptive analysis of the climbing mechanics of a mountain goat – by R.T. Lewinson and D.J. Stefanyshyn published in Zoology:
Mountain goats are some of the finest rock climbers found in nature. This article uses a small sample size to take an introductory look at the locomotion that lends itself to these masterful climbing skills.
Yukon Specific Research
Molt Phenology in Mountain Goats – K. Nowak, J. Berger, et al.
This project examined the phenology (study of biological life cycles) of mountain goats’ winter coat molt in relation to changing climate. This project included data collection at the Yukon Wildlife Preserve.
- 2020 Ecology and Evolution Blog Article: Mountain goats’ winter coats: What can people-powered research tell us about patterns and phenology of molt?
- 2020 Published Paper: Using community photography to investigate phenology: A case study of coat molt in the mountain goat (Oreamnos americanus) with missing data
- 2018 Research Report: Molt Phenology in the Mountain Goat (deep dive on the process and data with lots of great pics and graphs)
- 2018 YWP Blog Article: Phenology of Molt in Mountain Goats (Read how the Preserve’s goats played an important role in the photo sampling and control population.)
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Box 20191
Whitehorse, Yukon
Y1A 7A2