Mule Deer

At the Preserve

Our collection:

2 . 23 . 5
Male Female Young

Our Habitat:


Photos from the Preserve:

Articles from the Preserve:

The Curious Case of Dewlaps: Moose and Their Underappreciated and Mysterious Neck Accessories

10 minute readWhen you think of a moose, you might picture an iconic Canadian creature with long legs, a majestic set of antlers, and the undeniable air of someone who really doesn’t care about traffic. What might not come immediately to mind is the subtle yet...

An Impertinent Question – What is the dumbest animal on the Preserve?

3 min read - Cover photo credit Mark Newman.The guest on my bus tour with the British accent began his comment, ‘this is an impertinent question, so you don’t have to answer it… ‘Oh’? I thought,‘What is the dumbest animal on the Preserve?’ he continued.We were at the...

Carmacks Juvenile Bald Eagle Recovery

2.5 minute read - On November 27th another juvenile bald eagle made it way back to the wild, eagerly. A public release occurred with a very small group helping send it off. On November 9th, A juvenile bald eagle was found struggling, entangled in barbed wire fencing...

A Lynx With a Legacy

6 minute readThe Yukon Wildlife Preserve is deeply saddened to announce the passing of its beloved male lynx on Saturday, November 9th. This exceptional animal, who joined the Preserve’s collection in 2010, was a symbol of resilience and scientific importance, leaving...

Dawson City Bald Eagle

1 minute read - Imagine a bald eagle walking around, it’s like the fierce sky warrior forgot its wings. When it’s on the ground, its swagger is... questionable. Instead of the majestic glide we all picture, it’s more like a grumpy grandpa strutting through the yard, a...

Breaking Down that Stink

2 minute read - Nestled in the heart of the Takhini River Valley on the traditional territory of the of the Kwanlin Dün First Nation and the Ta'an Kwäch’än Council, is a haven for nature enthusiasts seeking a unique, immersive experience with Yukon’s native flora and...

Meet Archie

1 minute read - Say hello to a new member of the Preserve's family, a red fox. This is Archie. He came to the Preserve after being seized in B.C. by the Wildlife Branch of the British Columbia Provincial Government from an individual who did not have the appropriate...

White Shadows: The Arctic Fox’s World

9 minute read - Megan Hopkins spent three summers in a row working at the Preserve as a Wildlife Interpreter and Animal Care Assistant. Megan was in school at the University of Guelph, Wildlife Biology and Conservation for the remaining months of the year. One of her...

JB the Moose

6 minute readOn August 15th 2024 the Preserve's Animal Care team with the support of one of our veterinarians', Dr. Julianna Campbell made the difficult decision to say goodbye to JB the moose. Her condition had declined rapidly over the last 6 weeks when our team...

Annual Report for 2023-24

Contents About the Preserve in 2023-24 President's Report Treasurer's Report Executive Director's Report Operations Report Animal Care Report Wildlife Rehabilitation Report Visitors Services Report Education and Programing Report The Preserve in 2024-25 AGM Details...


General Overviews

Mule Deer in the Yukon from Department of Environment, Yukon Government.
A brief overview of the mule deer populations inhabiting the Yukon including a description of their appearance, behaviours, and a map of their range within the territory.

2019 Range-wide status of black-tail and mule deer (Mule Deer Working Group)
This is a North America wide census of mule deer populations. It discusses state/territory/province specific harvesting practices and how they vary between years. If you like mule deer and graphs, this is for you!

Mule Deer Working Group Fact Sheet:
A very detailed document put out by the Mule Deer Working group that provides plenty of information on hunting regulation, risks associated with human interaction, environmental stresses, behaviours, and more! 


Yukon Specific Research

CBC Mule Deer Survey 2015:
For the most part, the Yukon government doesn’t survey deer within the territory but in 2015, government biologists set out to get a better grasp on the growing deer numbers in the Yukon. This article gives a brief outline of how these surveys are set up and what kind of data the provide.

Contribute a Resource

Do you have resources (especially Yukon specific ones) we should know about? Send us a link and summary/blurb to add to this page.

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Yukon Wildlife Preserve
Box 20191
Whitehorse, Yukon
Y1A 7A2

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