Annual Report for 2023-24

Annual Report for 2023-24

Annual Report for 2023-24

About the Preserve in 2023-24

Our Mission
The Yukon Wildlife Preserve is a non-profit, charitable organization. The Perserve is operated under the full name of the Yukon Wildlife Preserve Operating Society (YWPOS).


The Yukon Wildlife Preserve will see informed voices that speak for the natural world.


To connect our visitors to the natural world by being a living centre of Yukon’s species.

Core Values

  • Relentlessly pursue the highest standard of animal care;
  • Be accessible to all visitors;
  • Model respect and teamwork with coworkers, volunteers, and our community; and,
  • Treasure the Yukon’s natural world.
Our Board and Committees

The YWPOS Board in 2022-23 included:

Alexandra Tait, President
Shawna Warshawski, Vice-president
Melissa Croskery, Secretary
Bonnie Love, Treasurer
Kirk Cameron
Justine Benjamin
Steve Smyth
Michael Bennett

The YWPOS board meets approximately 6 times each year – quarterly meetings on the 3rd Wednesday of July, October, January and April, as well as a couple of special meetings depending on the projects / needs at hand.

The board is responsible for several key committees that provide oversight and support to various aspects of operations. These include:

  • Executive Committee – works closely with the Executive Director on a regular basis – meets monthly. Committee members:
    • Alexandra Tait, President
      Shawna Warshawski, Vice-president
      Melissa Croskery, Secretary
      Bonnie Love, Treasurer
    • Jake Paleczny, ED
  • Animal Care Committee – oversight and support on care and management of the collection – meets monthly to quarterly depending on need. Committee members:
    • Jan Moeller (Animal Care Manager)
    • Dr. Cassandra Andrews (YWP Veterinarian)
    • Dr. Julianna Campbell (YWP Veterinarian)
    • Mary Vanderkop (Chief Veterinary Officer)
    • Randy Hallock (Manager of Outdoor Operations)
    • Bill Klassen
    • Dave Mossop
    • Justine Benjamin
    • Alexandra de Jong Westman
    • Jake Paleczny
  • Education Committee – assists on education and experience based projects – meets as required. Committee members:
    • Shawna Warshawski (Chair)
    • Steve Smyth
    • Neil Tracey
    • Lindsay Caskenette
    • Jake Paleczny
  • Research Committee – reviews research proposals and makes recommendations to the board – meets as required. Committee members:
    • Alexandra de Jong Westmann
    • Dave Mossop
    • Fiona Schmiegelow
    • Jake Paleczny
    • Justine Benjamin
    • Katelyn Friendship
    • Kirk Cameron
    • Maria Hallock

Other ad hoc committees and work groups are formed as required to tackle specific projects!

Learn more about the YWPOS Board, Board Committees, or connect with the board.

Our Staff

The YWPOS Management Team included:

Jake Paleczny, Executive Director/CEO
Randy Hallock, Manager of Outdoor Operations
Dr. Maria Hallock (departed mid-year)
Jan Moeller, Animal Care Manager
Lindsay Caskenette, Manager of Visitor Services
Neil Tracey, Manager of Education and Programming

Learn more about everybody on the YWP staff team and get in touch.

President’s Report

Time is a funny thing – on the one hand, it feels like just the other day I was writing some thoughts for the last AGM, but on the other hand, it feels like an eternity has passed since then! So much has happened, as it always does at the Preserve, and with our Board of Directors. There are so many positive events and messages that you will see in our report, but none of these events or rehab stories could happen without an incredibly dedicated group of staff and our volunteer Board of Directors. To each and every one of you – THANK YOU for showing up as your best selves every day to support the animals and the people at the Preserve.
The Board remains active in over-arching governance and strategic direction of the operations of the Preserve, but more and more we find ourselves with the luxury to focus on the strategic pieces – and that is because of the professionalism and heart of each one of our staff. We continue to strengthen our policies, position ourselves to be seen as the valuable asset that we know we are, to the various Yukon government departments. There are so many opportunities to support Tourism, Education, and Health, and the services to Yukoners that these departments provide.
I wonder how many Yukoners are aware that the Preserve has operated the educational programming at Swan Haven for the last few years? We remain dedicated to our goals of connecting visitors of the preserve, locals and tourists alike, to the natural world, in all its forms, and are so excited about our partnerships with other like-minded organizations to deliver educational and interpretive programs. Stay tuned for future announcements of these partnerships and collaborative events.
In the meantime, we sincerely hope that you will come out and take a walk on the wild side with us this summer – maybe grab one of our new bikes and pedal the loop and enjoy the grazing deer, the wallowing moose, huff your way past the muskoxs, and pray you get to the top of the hill overlooking the caribou. Our furry friends at the carnivore corner make a great excuse to catch your breath on the way! Then, it’s a fast fly back down the hill past the moose and sheep… the way I figure it, there’s ice cream in our front cabin, or gelato at the hot springs when you’re done!
See you out there!
Photo of moose in fall colours.

Treasurer’s Report

Yukon Wildlife Preserve’s 2023 – 24 Financial Statements once again show our organization to be in good shape. We started the year with an ambitious budget that allowed us to restructure staffing to provide more coverage and better overlap between the operational areas.

Our core operating funding from Department of Environment has remained static, although we were able to access funding for some building related and other repairs. Our operations revenue increased overall by almost 20%. There were significant increases in our travel trade, gift shop sales, facility rentals and Nature Camps. Under the guidance of our Manager of Education and Programming and with Federal Green Job Funding, we were able to revamp and expand our very popular camp options. We were also fortunate to access funding from Yukon Lotteries and Yukon Foundation for invasive species removal and trail development, Cannor and Yukon CDF helped fund the purchase of fat bikes and a winter warming shelter and the Yukon 125 Fund supported the gathering of stories around the Preserve’s founder Danny Nowlan.

Our expenditures align well with the budget, of note we are transitioning from having a staff veterinarian to contracting for these services following the retirement of our beloved long time Vet and Manager of Animal Care. Increases noted in repairs and maintenance are off set by Government of Yukon and other funding increases.

The Balance Sheet shows a good position with cash and investment certificates at a safe level to deal with a potential emergency.

Our annual audit was performed, again, by Crowe MacKay and our financial information and operational information met the standards of their review and no concerns were identified. I would like to thank our Executive Director and Insyte Business Solutions Ltd for the excellent care and diligence they have given to the financial operations of the Yukon Wildlife Preserve. Our budget for the coming year plans for another successful year!

Thank you

Bonnie Love, Treasurer

Photo of moose in fall colours.

Executive Director’s Report

I’m so grateful to be surrounded by an incredibly talented, passionate team. Their dedication, drive and optimism have moved the Preserve forward in some big ways.

There was one big change this year that stands out above everything else. Dr. Maria Hallock moved on to new opportunities and we began our transition. Dr. Maria worked at the Preserve for 23 years. Dr. Maria managed the Animal Care Department and was the Preserve’s veterinarian. I’m pretty sure she put in at least 30 years worth of work in those 23 years. She is the most passionate person I know. She brought that passion to work every single day and as a result, her legacy is everywhere. Not least of which was training a generation of veterinary students. Dr. Maria was relentless in putting the animals are the heart of everything we do. She eschewed any attention on herself, but I have to make sure her massive contribution is recognized! She joins the ranks of a small group of people who didn’t just work here. It’s a group of people who made this place their life and built the Preserve into what it is today. We are indebted to Dr. Maria for everything she gave to the place. Thank you!

Dr. Maria leaves big shoes to fill. I realized we would need a team of people to fill the role. Our new Animal Care Team looks a little different. After several years as an Animal Care Assistant with the Preserve, Jan Moeller stepped up. He is our Animal Care Manager, overseeing the staffing and day-to-day care of all the animals. He is supported by a new Senior Animal Care Technician role, filled by Michael Salilig. Michael has extensive schooling in veterinary medicine. Veterinary Care is now provided by Amber Antler Veterinary Services. This new practice is Dr. Cassandra Andrews and Dr. Julianna Campbell. Both actually worked at the Preserve under Dr. Maria’s guidance as veterinary students! Although it’s a big change, it’s been exciting to see the new team take on the challenge! It is a transition helped immensely by our long time Outdoor Operations Manager Randy Hallock. A huge thanks and kudos to our new Animal Care Team!

A huge part of my focus has been this transition. But a lot of other things happened this year too! Summer 2023 was our CAZA inspection. Inspection started early in year with submission of a huge package of paperwork (policies, practices, photos, planning documents, etc). Then in mid-summer a team of inspectors visited the Preserve. They were here to validate and verify that we were meeting the nearly 300 CAZA standards that apply to us. At the end of the visit they detail their findings in an exit interview. We then have a couple of months to remedy any deficiencies and report back to the commission. I met with the CAZA accreditation commission in October. And then we were awarded our full accreditation! If it sounds like a big deal, it was! I’m happy to say our team accomplished this with flying colours.

In between all this we also overhauled our emergency procedures. We worked through table-top exercises and live drills to refine the procedures. Among other things you may have noticed our road gates all got names. Along with an updated emergency map, that really helps us communication clearly when it really counts!

We also got updated road signs on the Klondike Highway. This was the result of a partnership with Eclipse Nordic Spa and Bean North. The idea for big highway signs is almost a decade old and seemed like it would never happen. I put together a design that would hopefully pull people down the Hot Springs Road. We were able to get the permitting approved by highways last fall and this spring Evergreen installed the signs.

I could go on (I haven’t even mentioned anything about new outhouses, Elsa the mountain goat, invasive species removal or fatbikes), but you’ll read about all the other amazing accomplishments of the year from my management team below.

One last thing. I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to all of our supporters. Our members and donors have been consistent and generous in their support – whether its getting out to spend time, renting a fatbike or donating. Thank you! Your trust and belief in the work we’re doing energizes and propels us forward.
Jake Paleczny
Executive Director / CEO
YWP's updated fleet.

Operations Report

Some of the highlights from the Outdoor Operations Department include:

Spring (April – June)

  • Clearing snow
  • Supporting immobilization of animals
  • Clean up (this was a huge focus, with an incredible amount of work done in the back operations area)
  • Spring cleanup of areas around feeding stations
  • Water line deployment and repair
  • Servicing equipment for start of season
  • Servicing and cleaning composter
  • Getting busses and vans to/from town for service
  • Mowing foxtail
  • Created new holding pens for rescue moose calves
  • Fencing repairs to billy goats
  • Bumper rail repairs in muskox and bison habitats

Summer (July – September)

  • Foxtail mowing
  • Well repair (including 10 days of hauling water, going back and forth with contractors, etc)
  • Replaced ageing section of billy goat fence (by the billy goat feeding station)
  • Ran new water lines
  • Continued work on new moose habitat (installing gates)
  • Garbage / dump runs and yard clean up (big effort here with CAZA inspection)
  • Repaired bumper rails in Muskox and Bison habitats
  • Installed new (stronger) gates in muskox bull habitat
  • Helping with picking up, sorting and composting produce
  • Painted posts
  • Replaced section of back elk bull habitat fence (by back 40 gate)
  • Chipping sticks
  • Added gates in lynx / arctic fox standoff barrier
  • Moved ramp onto lynx platform
  • Installed “hot grass” by moose feeding station
  • Replaced fence by moose feeding station and installed new standoff barrier
  • Installed new road gate (the “Bison Gate”)
  • Cut trees for new muskox trail
  • Hauled purchased pipe over from Wayne Grove
  • Started upgrading muskox bull fence for new trails

Fall (October – December)

  • Repairs on muskox bull fence and bumper rail
  • Overseeing Rural Roads ditching on lake road
  • Chipping brush
  • Watering during the shoulder season
  • Installed kiosk at front entrance
  • Started clearing access to / along the perimeter fence
  • Plowing snow
  • Ordering and supervising delivery of gravel for trails
  • Cleaning out old green shop
  • Building selfie stations with antlers

Winter (January – March)

  • Built back racks for trucks
  • Plowed snow
  • Generator reqairs
  • Cleaning buildings
  • Supporting AC on animals
  • Equipment maintenance
  • Repaired muskox feeding station
  • Ordered tires for trucks and loader
  • Bought kubota
  • Supported work on Buddy the Fox

Above: new outhouse installed at the Crossroads. Below: fencing work to enable the construction of a new muskox viewing trail.

Photo of brush piles on fire and hootalinqua firetruck and crew
Map showing location of newly constructed moose elk handling chute.

Above: Delivery of gravel for the muskox trail. Below: Manager of Outdoor Operations, Randy Hallock, supports Animal Care during the moving of a young moose to his new habitat.

Animal Care Report

Main Collection

As of March 31st 2024 there were 133 animals in the main collection.

Other Updates:

In February 2024, Dr. Maria Hallock left the Preserve. We want to thank Maria for her tremendous work, dedication, and all she has taught us.

Dr. Maria filled the roles of both Animal Care Manager and Veterinarian. With her departure, the roles were split. Jan Moeller stepped up into the role of Animal Care Manager. The Preserve is now working with Amber Antler Vets (Dr. Cassandra Andrews and Dr. Julianna Campbell), who provide veterinary care to both, our Collection and Rehabilitation animals. Both Dr. Cassandra and Dr. Julianna worked for Dr. Maria as summer veterinary students at the Preserve!

Breeding Plans

In fall/winter 2023-24 we bred the following species:

  • Bison (Spring 2024: 1 calf)
  • Muskox (Spring 2024: 1 calf)
  • Caribou (Spring 2024: 1 calf)
  • Mule deer (Spring 2024: 6 fawns)
  • Lynx (no kittens yet)

We plan to breed the following species this fall. Others may be added to the list depending on success this spring / summer:

  • Bison
  • Elk
  • Thinhorn sheep

Welcomes and Goodbyes

From April 1, 2023, to March 31, 2024, we welcomed some new arrivals to our collection and had to say goodbye to some animals. It is always tough to lose an animal. Our animal care team spends a lot of time with each animal and some are even bottle-raised. We will be thrilled if our breeding efforts are successful and we can welcome new babies!

Mule deer We lost 2 bucks and 2 does.
Thinhorn sheep We lost 3 rams and 2 ewes.
Mountain goat

We lost 1 nanny.

We welcomed Elsa from Smithers, BC to our herd. Read more about Elsa.

Muskox We lost 2 cows. One of them was our bottle-raised cow Jessie.

2 bison calves born this year unfortunately did not survive. We also lost 2 cows and 1 bull.

We celebrated the birth of 3 additional bison, 1 cow and 2 yet to be identified.

Arctic fox We lost our last female arctic fox. Read more. We have continued to search for Arctic Foxes to bring in, however, we have not yet been successful.
Red fox Buddy’s health issues became too severe in March 2024 and we unfortunately had to say goodbye.

Wildlife Rehabilitation Report

This chart shows all arrivals between April 1, 2023 – March 31, 2024. Current status includes all known outcomes up to July 2, 2024.

Species Released Deceased Still in care
American Robin 3 3 0
Bald Eagle (read more) 1 0 0
Bohemian Waxwing 1 0 0
Great Horned Owl 0 1 0
Kingfisher 1 1 0
Lesser Scaup 1 0 0
Mallard 5 3 0
Mew Gull 1 0 0
Northern Shoveler 0 1 0
Ptarmigan 1 0 0
Raven 1 0 0
Red Crossbill 1 2 0
Sandhill Crane (read more) 1 0 0
Sparrow sp 1 0 0
Chickadee sp 0 1 0
Grebe sp 1 1 0
White-crowned Sparrow 1 0 0
White-winged Crossbill 0 1 0
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1 0 0
Brown Bat 2 0 0
Moose 1 1 0
Red Fox 0 1 0
Red Squirrel 3 4 0
Vole sp 1 0 0
Total 28 20 0

This chart shows all arrivals between April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2023. Current status includes all known outcomes up to July 6, 2023.

Species Released Deceased Still in care
Carolina Chickadee 1
Mallard Duck 2 1
Cedar Waxwing 3
Sparrow juv 1
Gull 2
Northern Pygmy Owl 1
White-winged crossbill 1
Northern Harrier 1
Swainson’s Thrush 1
Three-toed Woodpecker 1
Kingfisher 1
Tree swallow 1
Northern Hawk Owl 2
Red Squirrel 21
Raven 1
Arctic Ground Squirrel 1
Red fox 1
Total 36 7


This chart shows all arrivals between April 1, 2021 – March 31, 2022. Current status includes all known outcomes up to June 13, 2021.

Species Released Deceased Still in care
Pine Grosbeak 2 2
Mallard Duck 1 2
Bohemian Waxwing 2
American Robin 2
Sparrow juv 1
Gull 5 1
American Kestrel 1
Red Crossbill 1
Northern flicker 1
Pine Siskin 2 1
Short Eared Owl 1
Northern Harrier 1
American Pipit 1
Junco 2 2
Boreal Owl 2
Redpoll 1
Magpie 1
Tree Swallow 1 2
Golden Eagle 1 1
Northern Hawk Owl 2
Red Squirrel 12  2
Moose 1*
Snowshoe hare 1
Coyote 2
Total 39 21

* This moose was released from the YWP’s rehabilitation program to join the main collection in fall 2021.


This chart shows all arrivals between April 1, 2020 – March 31, 2021. Current status incdlues all known outcomes up to June 18, 2021.

Species Released Deceased Still in care
Pine Grosbeak 2
Mallard Duck 9 1
Bohemian Waxwing 1 1
American Robin 3 2
Sparrow juv 2 2
Gull 3
Sharp Shin Hawk 1
Raven 4
Northern flicker 1
Spruce grouse 4
Kingfisher 1
Bald Eagle 3* 1
Lesser Scaup 1
Junco 4
Boreal owl 1
Yellow Billed Sapsucker 1
Magpie 1
Tree swallow 14
Golden Eagle 1
Frog 1
Red Squirrel 11
Moose 1**
Total 56 21 1

* Two of the three bald eagles were successfully released in May 2021.

** This moose was released from the YWP’s rehabilitation program to join the main collection in fall 2020.


July 3 2018 – July 3, 2019

Species Released Deceased Still in care / YWP Residents
American robin 3 2 1
Tree Swallow 2
Pine Grosbeak 1
Sparrow 2
Crossbill 1
American Kestrel 1
Northern Goshawk 1
Moose 2
Bald Eagle 1
Red Squirrels 9 4
Hawk Owl 1
Snowshoe Hare 1
Red Fox 1
Total 18 12 7



Animal Care Committee

The ACC is one of the Preserve’s most active committees – it provides oversight and support on care and management of the Preserve’s collection. The committee meets 4-8 times a year and provides recommendations to the board on a range of topics – including collection plan, animal care policies, aquisition and disposition of animals and more. To find out more or if you have expertise to contribute to this committee, reach out to

Visitor Services Report


We’re officially back to pre-covid levels – inching past 2019-2020 levels by a couple hundred people. Our average admission/cap was $16.02. This is slightly down from the previous year, by $1 exactly. We did see an increase in visitation through school programming which is included in these statistics (at $0 value when compared to admissions). Overall, we are seeing a strong increasing trend in admissions/cap over the last several years (2019/2020 was just $13.40).

Visitation data up to 2022-23
Red Fox in winter. Photo by Lindsay Caskanette.

Monthly visitation through 2023-2024  saw strong winter month visitation, particularly March thanks to the Easter event falling in this fiscal year. Summer months are actually seeing less increase in visitation. It’s not clear why this is occurring, but we know the strength of partner marketing and partnerships. In winter we are seeing the return on investment that is the result of those partnerships.

Visitation by month from 2004 to present.


A milestone year! We had comparable visitation in 2022-23 and 2023-2024 but retail sales were $26k more and cracked the $100K mark!

  • Overall annual per cap performance is $3.22 which is a 30.9% increase over the previous year.
Giftshop sales and visitation over the last 4 fiscal years.

We undertook a design collaboration with Tedd Tucker and Yukon Built to create our first YWP sweater. It was a massive hit. Yukon Built sold their own inventory and made $25 donation from each sweater sold to the Preserve’s Wildlife Rehabilitation program. At the end of the year that was nearly $5000. We carried two colours, sold out twice and brought in a new colour at the end of the year. Sales are still going strong

11 out of 12 months this year the sales set all time records.

Gift shop sales by month over the years.

Equipment Rentals – Kicksleds

We’re no longer just renting kicksleds! Our rental program expanded to include 2 wagons and in the last quarter the introduction of Fat Bikes! 


  • This year we started the rentals on December 6th 2023 ( 2 days later than the previous fiscal year) and concluded on March 17th (last year we were able to continue to April 7th). 
  • 482 rentals over 102 possible rental days amounting to $9,069.40. In 2022-23 we had 640 rentals over 118 possible rental days amounting  to $10,686.21.


    • We soft launched March 19th with our first ever rentals on the 22nd. 
    • We started marketing their use the following week so rentals were limited but expect to increase into the next fiscal year and be an important year-round equipment rental opportunity.
    • Purchase of fatbikes and a winter warming shelter was supported via CANNOR and CDF.
    New kicksled signage
    New kicksled signage


    • Wagon rentals were introduced in the 3rd quarter. 
    • They had limited uptake until March and specifically our Easter Event on March 30th where a wagon was rented 4 times on this day (out of the total 9 times in March).
    • We expect increased use through summer with increased out of territory visitors and foot traffic. 
    • We noticed that wagon rentals are not as popular when kicksled rentals are on since the kicksleds act in such a way to also transport items and small humans.

    Education and Programming Report

    The Education and Programming Department began to see staffing stability in FY23-24, after several years of increased staffing turnover. The increased stability allowed the team to focus on growing programming offerings, leading to increased attendance at Nature Camp programs. The team also began work on new models of school programming at the Preserve and at Swan Haven; this work happened behind the scenes in FY23-24, leading to results in FY24-25.

    Swan Haven School Programming – April 2023

    Yukon Wildlife Preserve educators once again delivered half-day school programs at Swan Haven Interpretive Centre on Marsh Lake. 449 students attended, compared to 450 in 2021.

    Swan Haven programming is delivered under contract from the Yukon Government’s Department of Environment. Programs at Swan Haven are free to schools, with the Department of Environment providing funding for staffing and supplies. Programs for grades 2, 3, and 5 involved behavioural observations, indoor interactive experiments, and outdoor games. Students also get to see swans on M’Clintock Bay and the greater Marsh Lake area at a time when most Yukon waters are still frozen solid.

    Students and teachers both provided very positive feedback via end-of-program surveys.


    Early in 2017, the Yukon Wildlife Preserve and Yukon Wildlife Viewing Program signed an agreement for the YWP to develop and deliver experiential, outdoor school programming at the Swan Haven Interpretive Centre. A successful partnership was born! 

    Nature Camps

    Summer 2023

    295 campers attended Summer Nature Camps, an increase of 100 campers from 2022. This increase was made possible by improved use of Preserve vehicles and increased staffing levels.

    Campers fed mule deer, explore the forest, and gained a greater appreciation for Yukon’s diverse wildlife.

    Winter 2023-24

    For the first time, the Preserve ran camps over the winter school break. Eighteen campers joined the program to explore what it takes to survive a Yukon winter (and to go sledding on the giant hill by the Learning Centre).

    Spring 2024

    March Break Nature Camps filled up quickly, bringing over 60 campers to the Preserve during a two week period. Wading through snow and mud, campers explored a season of change at the Preserve.

    PD Days and School Holidays

    A total of 17 campers attended one day PD and School Holiday Nature Camps. This pilot project proved successful and will be repeated in future school years.



    Summer nature camps

    School Programs – May/June 2023

    759 students attended school programs at Yukon Wildlife Preserve in the spring of 2023. This was a decrease from previous years due in part to decreased advertising for programs (a conscious choice as the staffing shortages were resolving) and increased cancellations, including a number of problems with school bus transportation.

    Behind the scenes, staff worked with the Department of Education to develop a new model of programming to better meet the objectives of the curriculum and to incorporate more modern education modalities. An updated agreement, with increased funding, was signed at the end of FY23-24 to support programming for the next two fiscal years.

    Trails & Invasive Species

    Thanks to funding from Natural Resource’s Canada’s Green Jobs Program, the Preserve hired two team members to begin work on expanding our trail network and managing invasive species on-site. Construction began on the musk ox trail and hundreds of invasive Siberian peashrub and white sweetclover plants were removed.

    The Preserve in 2023-24

    Thank you.

    We are forever grateful for your continued support. Our commitment to wildlife—and to you—our community—are at the heart of everything we do.

    Here’s some of what we’ve been working on or have planned for 2023-24:

    • Negotiating new funding agreements and a lease with Department of Environment – and working with other YG departments including Highways and Public Works;
    • Continued work on a new section of trail by the male muskox, including wayfinding signage upgrades;
    • Invasive species removal (foxtail and caragana);
    • Installation of a new outhouse at the crossroads;
    • Upgrades to wayfinding signage at the crossroads (a notoriously confusing place);
    • Printing and installation of a panel in the welcome kiosk at the front of house;
    • Construction and placement of a warming wall tent at the front of house;
    • And as usual, a whole lot of fence maintenance!
    Photo of YWP staff working on installing fencing.

    Ways to Support

    • • •

    Leverage your extra resources, services or expertice and make an in-kind contribution to the Preserve’s day-to-day operations.
    Make a one-time or monthly tax-receiptable donation to education, wildlife rehabilitation, or general operations.
    Turn your businesses cash or in-kind support for the Preserve into PR for your business and perks for your team.

    Ways to Stay Connected

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    Jake Paleczny

    Jake Paleczny

    He/Him - Executive Director/ CEO

    Jake Paleczny is passionate about interpretation and education. He gained his interpretative expertise from a decade of work in Ontario’s provincial parks in addition to a Masters in Museum Studies from the University of Toronto. His interests also extend into the artistic realm, with a Bachelor of Music from the University of Western Ontario and extensive experience in galleries and museums.


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